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Cartographer: WJ Mangles; 42 cm x 31,5 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 500 yards; positive photocopied sketch; old number 27.
Cartographer: FW North; 34 cm x 25,5 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 5 miles; positive photocopy; old number 78.
38,4 cm x 30 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 30 feet; positive photocopy; old number 79.
Cartographer: WP Oak; 44 cm x 38 cm ; scale: 3 824 000; positive photocopy; old number 125.
Cartographer: H Hall; 43,4 cm x 42,5 cm ; scale: 1 degree: 69,1 English miles; positive photocopy; taken from minute paper PWD 124/1898.
32 cm x 24,3 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 4 miles; manuscript.
Cartographer: JFE Barnes; 41 cm x 32,1 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 50 feet; tracing from drawing of GF Edmonstone; taken from NDR 5/21.
Cartographer: HJ Dadswell; 40,5 cm x 29 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 1/2 mile; positive photocpy; old number 242.
Cartographer: J Vetch; 38 cm x 30,5 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 2 000 feet; photograph; to accompany Capt. Vetch's Report of 3 August 1859; old number 235.
Published by JWC MacKay and Edward Stanford; 38,3 cm x 34 cm ; scale: 1 inch: 50 English miles; photocopy; old number 236.